Engineering Manager

An exciting opportunity has just launched with a game-changing organization in Green Energy! This company has already quadrupled in size over the past year, and is looking for an Engineering Manager to join their team and be a key driver in their latest developments in green chemistry.

This brand new position is due to the insane growth that they are seeing, and they need someone like you to assist in developing optimized solutions for their green programs.

The right candidate will have:

  • 8+ years experience as a Chemical Engineer
  • Proven success in industrial operations or greenfield projects

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join a ground-breaking, innovative company that is changing the face of green energy. Interested in learning more? Submit your resume!

Find a Position

We are constantly searching for people to fill a broad range of open positions in the global chemical and technology industries — and the first place we look is our own network. You may be happy with your current job, but consider taking a few minutes to send us your resume. We will keep your information strictly private and only contact you if an opening comes along that’s a great match for your profile. You may not be interested in a job change today, but you never know what the future holds, and it’s good to have options.

Note: Please upload only Microsoft Word or PDF files no larger than 5MB. Microsoft Word is our preferred format.

Max. file size: 32 MB.

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