Strategic Sourcing & Business Optimization Manager

An exciting new position as a Strategic Sourcing & Business Optimization Manager with a leading manufacturer and distributor of commercial explosives products and services is available!

This role offers high visibility, working closely with senior management, and provides the opportunity to have a direct strategic impact on the business, creating a path that could build both the business and a professional legacy.

The successful candidate will have:

  • Supply chain experience sourcing raw materials in the mining, explosives, construction, and/or chemical industries.
  • Experience working with ERP systems, implementing enhancements to streamline and professionalize the company’s supply chain processes.
  • Logistics experience related to procuring heavy equipment or fleet management in order to transport raw materials to and from various locations.

If this matches your skill set and you would like to explore taking a positive step forward in your career, submit your resume to us today!  

Find a Position

We are constantly searching for people to fill a broad range of open positions in the global chemical and technology industries — and the first place we look is our own network. You may be happy with your current job, but consider taking a few minutes to send us your resume. We will keep your information strictly private and only contact you if an opening comes along that’s a great match for your profile. You may not be interested in a job change today, but you never know what the future holds, and it’s good to have options.

Note: Please upload only Microsoft Word or PDF files no larger than 5MB. Microsoft Word is our preferred format.

Max. file size: 32 MB.

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