Technical Director of R&D

Our client, a leading global Leader in Surfactant Specialty Chemicals, is currently seeking a Technical Director for R&D who embodies excellence in the field. If you’re eager to drive innovation and shape a respected company’s product direction, we need to talk! 

The ideal candidate for this pivotal role will possess: 

  • Demonstrated proficiency in surfactants, coupled with hands-on experience in their practical applications, as well as adeptness in product stewardship and regulatory compliance within targeted industries. 
  • Proven leadership acumen, evidenced by a track record of effectively assembling and guiding teams toward achieving overarching organizational goals. 
  • Experience in overseeing the entire product lifecycle, from initial conceptualization through to successful commercialization, inclusive of active involvement in pioneering new product development initiatives. 

If you meet these criteria and are eager to explore this opportunity further, I invite you to share your latest resume with us!


Find a Position

We are constantly searching for people to fill a broad range of open positions in the global chemical and technology industries — and the first place we look is our own network. You may be happy with your current job, but consider taking a few minutes to send us your resume. We will keep your information strictly private and only contact you if an opening comes along that’s a great match for your profile. You may not be interested in a job change today, but you never know what the future holds, and it’s good to have options.

Note: Please upload only Microsoft Word or PDF files no larger than 5MB. Microsoft Word is our preferred format.

Max. file size: 32 MB.

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