Ropella Group Hosts Florida Governor Rick Scott
As many of you know by now, last week we hosted Governor Rick Scott here at our Ropella Group headquarters to much acclaim. If you were able to make it, thank you for being with us. It was so nice catching up with business professionals in the Greater Pensacola Area and truly an energizing and spectacular event.
Why does the Ropella Group support Governor Rick Scott? When he reduces our tax burden, provides an environment where there’s less regulation and greater incentive to take more risk – entrepreneurs will take more risk and will hire more people. It’s called the Free Enterprise System. In the right economic climate, people like Robbie and I…when confident that things will stay positive and continue to improve… are much more inclined to hire people – thereby creating more jobs that the Governor can then count on his watch/term as jobs he’s helped create.
If you would like to see a recap of his visit (and my close-up on the news!), click here.
Again, thanks for being in attendance. So, LET’S KEEP WORKING, and 4 MORE YEARS—for business success overall in this great state of Florida.