Aerospace and Defense Technology
Ropella is dedicated to helping companies gain a competitive advantage
by providing customized and strategic talent solutions.
Ropella is dedicated to helping companies gain a competitive advantage
by providing customized and strategic talent solutions.
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Look for our articles in Aviation Week & Space Technology and other industry publications.
There were less than sixty years separating the Wright brothers’ first airplane flight and the first manned flight into space. The advance of technology has hardly slowed in the nearly sixty years since. Today’s aerospace and defense technology industry advances lean heavily towards automation; use of unmanned systems continues to increase, and automated monitoring systems allow these drones to operate with increasing independence from remote operators. We also continue to look farther out, past the boundaries of where we have explored before – from the possibility of putting men on Mars, to exploration outside of our solar system.
One interesting trend has been the way that commercial electronics have been driving innovation in the aerospace and defense technology industry. Historically, technological advances have taken hold in military applications and then slowly filtered into commercial use. Nowadays, however, the commercial electronics industry is advancing so rapidly that it is outpacing, in some applications, military advances.
With 35+ years as a global search leader, Ropella has proven (many times over) to be well-versed at delivering the most advanced search execution capabilities, solving the most challenging needle-in-a-haystack searches, and managing talent selection and development as a primary asset for ROI.
As a bestselling author of The Right Hire and a highly-experienced practitioner, Patrick Ropella developed the SMART Search SystemSM, regarded as one of the most well-respected, talent-centric executive search solutions available.